Rightsizing Security For Your Latest IoT Design

Pediatrician Dr. Harvey Karp didn’t set out to become a technologist. He simply wanted to help babies sleep.

Known as “this generation’s Doctor Spock” in the United States, Dr. Karp’s famously groundbreaking methods to safely calm babies to sleep have helped parents from all walks of life.

With the advent of IoT technology, Dr. Karp and the Happiest Baby team saw an avenue to help more new babies and parents sleep soundly: a smart bassinet called SNOO.

The Happiest Baby team came to Avnet with a simple ask. Can you help us improve the bassinet design to incorporate better technology at a lower price? Avnet teams got to work, deploying deep experience in comprehensive solutions and global logistics to deliver significant cost and resource savings.

The result is an affordable smart bassinet the helps more babies sleep safely and soundly.

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